Axis MF Balanced Advantage Fund February 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of UTI Healthcare Reg Income

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 197.6589
24-02-2025 197.7029
21-02-2025 199.3342
20-02-2025 201.2805
19-02-2025 199.6916
18-02-2025 199.5903
17-02-2025 200.4415
14-02-2025 198.3952
13-02-2025 203.8271
12-02-2025 203.2721
11-02-2025 204.0911
10-02-2025 209.9826
07-02-2025 215.3723
06-02-2025 215.9806
05-02-2025 214.8243
04-02-2025 211.2867
03-02-2025 209.3593
31-01-2025 209.2453
30-01-2025 207.9869
29-01-2025 205.8949
28-01-2025 200.9659
27-01-2025 204.1691
24-01-2025 210.4784
23-01-2025 216.0344
22-01-2025 213.8492
21-01-2025 214.7155
20-01-2025 216.6398
17-01-2025 215.3281
16-01-2025 215.3866
15-01-2025 215.2911
14-01-2025 216.7333
13-01-2025 214.4155
10-01-2025 220.346
09-01-2025 224.8584
08-01-2025 226.9576
07-01-2025 227.5777
06-01-2025 225.1948
03-01-2025 226.8899
02-01-2025 228.2232
01-01-2025 227.0621
31-12-2024 226.6006
30-12-2024 225.9939
27-12-2024 225.0665
26-12-2024 222.4903
24-12-2024 221.5147
23-12-2024 220.9361
20-12-2024 221.3293
19-12-2024 223.6482
18-12-2024 222.7359
17-12-2024 220.9877
16-12-2024 222.2361
13-12-2024 221.8177
12-12-2024 222.8225
11-12-2024 223.9853
10-12-2024 223.4767
09-12-2024 224.2465
06-12-2024 224.7729
05-12-2024 225.2845
04-12-2024 225.093
03-12-2024 224.9066
02-12-2024 224.5194
29-11-2024 222.2936
28-11-2024 217.9746
27-11-2024 219.3041
26-11-2024 220.1841
25-11-2024 220.4698
22-11-2024 217.6081
21-11-2024 215.4933
19-11-2024 215.0378
18-11-2024 213.6452
14-11-2024 215.4393
13-11-2024 214.5563
12-11-2024 218.2775
11-11-2024 219.3947
08-11-2024 221.7338
07-11-2024 222.691
06-11-2024 225.0538
05-11-2024 221.9511
04-11-2024 219.5748
31-10-2024 220.3711
30-10-2024 216.3028
29-10-2024 215.6268
28-10-2024 216.3529
25-10-2024 214.5224
24-10-2024 215.6684
23-10-2024 214.6426
22-10-2024 215.9249
21-10-2024 220.4782
18-10-2024 222.6746
17-10-2024 222.0635
16-10-2024 224.4546
15-10-2024 224.9708
14-10-2024 224.3668
11-10-2024 223.9718
10-10-2024 223.3288
09-10-2024 226.05
08-10-2024 223.1369
07-10-2024 219.1238
04-10-2024 221.8765
03-10-2024 223.0476
01-10-2024 224.8213
30-09-2024 223.9642
27-09-2024 224.4432
26-09-2024 221.8636
25-09-2024 222.3268
24-09-2024 222.2979
23-09-2024 222.1555
20-09-2024 221.5247
19-09-2024 219.9856
18-09-2024 220.5286
17-09-2024 222.828
16-09-2024 223.1758
13-09-2024 223.6317
12-09-2024 223.9278
11-09-2024 222.1798
10-09-2024 222.2011
09-09-2024 219.9906
06-09-2024 220.2247
05-09-2024 220.706
04-09-2024 219.0078
03-09-2024 217.2246
02-09-2024 216.3184
30-08-2024 217.2579
29-08-2024 213.5533
28-08-2024 214.1784
27-08-2024 212.5183
26-08-2024 211.7784
23-08-2024 211.6867
22-08-2024 211.5766
21-08-2024 211.279
20-08-2024 209.1062
19-08-2024 207.8791
16-08-2024 205.8598
14-08-2024 203.8426
13-08-2024 205.0232
12-08-2024 205.7823
09-08-2024 205.5882
08-08-2024 204.4457
07-08-2024 204.1386
06-08-2024 200.3791
05-08-2024 200.0526
02-08-2024 203.6527
01-08-2024 202.8841
31-07-2024 202.3786
30-07-2024 199.9257
29-07-2024 199.5277
26-07-2024 199.1119
25-07-2024 195.8297
24-07-2024 194.2648
23-07-2024 192.3653
22-07-2024 191.2398
19-07-2024 189.7346
18-07-2024 192.3914
16-07-2024 191.7686
15-07-2024 191.5948
12-07-2024 190.4001
11-07-2024 190.5582
10-07-2024 190.7722
09-07-2024 188.5535
08-07-2024 186.7313
05-07-2024 187.2528
04-07-2024 185.2278
03-07-2024 183.889
02-07-2024 182.7714
01-07-2024 183.0619
28-06-2024 181.9236
27-06-2024 180.8667
26-06-2024 180.669
25-06-2024 181.119
24-06-2024 180.8979
21-06-2024 181.6196
20-06-2024 181.6564
19-06-2024 182.116
18-06-2024 183.0578
14-06-2024 182.9436
13-06-2024 181.8522
12-06-2024 180.9381
11-06-2024 179.837
10-06-2024 180.169
07-06-2024 178.7083
06-06-2024 175.9344
05-06-2024 174.9853
04-06-2024 169.71
03-06-2024 172.5846
31-05-2024 172.466
30-05-2024 173.5224
29-05-2024 176.2055
28-05-2024 175.4917
27-05-2024 174.7937
24-05-2024 175.0634
23-05-2024 175.8123
22-05-2024 175.6122
21-05-2024 175.4742
17-05-2024 174.0337
16-05-2024 174.0772
15-05-2024 173.4574
14-05-2024 172.9408
13-05-2024 172.8512
10-05-2024 170.8369
09-05-2024 169.7811
08-05-2024 172.5098
07-05-2024 172.5742
06-05-2024 175.121
03-05-2024 174.1989
02-05-2024 173.5132
30-04-2024 173.1735
29-04-2024 173.7213
26-04-2024 173.4773
25-04-2024 172.8596
24-04-2024 171.5175
23-04-2024 170.616
22-04-2024 170.8485
19-04-2024 169.6047
18-04-2024 169.7697
16-04-2024 171.261
15-04-2024 170.53
12-04-2024 171.9079
10-04-2024 174.0004
09-04-2024 174.3955
08-04-2024 173.8081
05-04-2024 174.023
04-04-2024 173.5627
03-04-2024 173.923
02-04-2024 174.2618
01-04-2024 174.6589
31-03-2024 172.6569
28-03-2024 172.6892
27-03-2024 170.702
26-03-2024 170.6146

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